"MatrixRTC isn’t just Element Call: Famedly showed off experimental interop with FluffyChat at FOSDEM back in Feb, and Element showed off experimental interop with BigBlueButton in August. Given more and more conferencing tools are converging on LiveKit as a best-in-class SFU, it’s an amazing opportunity to use Matrix and MatrixRTC to power the end-to-end-encryption and decentralisation and get standardised voip/video interop from the outset."
@matthew, Oct 2024
"If ever there was a time to exhort your friends to give Matrix another go - this is it."
@matthew, Oct 2024
This seems a bit premature when this blog piece says we're still waiting for;
* the final Matrix 2.0 spec
* tested and debugged M2 implementation across all commonly-used client apps, and homeserver packages
* homeserver admins to upgrade to M2, including matrix.org
Presumably followed by another round of work to squash bugs shaken out by unrolling M2
I'll be starting some serious stress testing of Matrix after summer, on all my existing accounts, on a range of clients. When that starts to feel seamless, that's when I'll start encouraging new people to try Matrix. Ideally in the second half of next year, but we'll see ; )
@strypey !RemindMe 5 years
@deutrino based on past experience with the RiotX > Element transition, it won't take as long as 5 years. But I guess we'll see.
@strypey hey I wish them the best, I'll totally use it once basic functions work properly 99% of the time or better
> I'll totally use it once basic functions work properly 99% of the time or better
Fair enough. The blog post I linked made a pretty good argument for the common complaints being caused by protocol limitations discovered through stress testing of M1, and fixed by the various changes in M2. I think we'll know by the end of 2025 if this is going to pan out.
> I've been using it for several years now between 2 laptops and a phone, seems to work?
Same. Since we established the #VOICE room there about 2018. It works, yes. But there's all sorts of jankiness that's come and gone during that time. Including the irritating "Unable to Decrypt" errors, which the blog post I linked promises that M2 will fix.