"Even Google staff complain that they can't figure out how to turn off location tracking [in Android]. Now, in any kind of sane world, this would be a prohibited activity. Section Five of the Federal Trade Commission Act gives the agency broad latitude to intervene to prevent ‘unfair and deceptive’ practices... And yet governments have taken no action."
#CoryDoctorow, 2023
"...there's about a one in five chance per year that any given defect will be independently rediscovered and used by either criminals or a hostile government, which means that the US government exposed its stakeholders, firms and individuals to a gigantic amount of risk by discovering these defects and then not moving swiftly to plug up these loopholes. And that risk really is best expressed in the current ransomware epidemic [eg Waikato DHB]..."
#CoryDoctorow, 2023
"We have frozen tech in time by allowing firms that have access to the capital markets to decide what the future of tech is going to look like. It's a planned economy, but it's one that's planned by a few very powerful financiers and the executives of a few large companies, not by lawmakers or democratically accountable government – or indeed by an autocrat, or at least an autocrat in office. We get autocrats in boardrooms these days."
Cory Doctorow, 2023
Hey there Anticommunists, John Birchers, et al, the "Communism" (TM) you fear has already taken over. Unaccountable transnational bureaucracies *are* planning the global economy for their own empowerment and enrichment, at the expense of the rest of us (and the environment). But the people running it are not Marxist-Leninist tankies or Maoist guerillas. They're the owners and executives of multinational corporations, and their ideologies are Taylorism and Vulgar Smithism, not Marxism or Maoism.