Seems amazing that a substantial majority of people are being exploited by policies like those being promoted by National & ACT. Yet it appears a majority will actively vote to continue that exploitation, often their own.
Seems like we have either a suffrage problem or an education/intelligence problem. Or both. Not sure how to start trying to address that.
But why do people actively vote against their own interest & that of the worst off in our society? Is marketing really that powerful?
Facebook will be the death of us all.
Maybe even talkback radio or white man podcasts and Telegram too.
People get in on that stuff, believe they’re hard done by, drive their Ute poorly, and then vote for National. Frankly it’s embarrassing but it makes logical sense based on what those media outlets push at you continually.
@futuresprog yeah, I think those things are definitely leading to the demise of civil society. Society is being shown to be a thin veneer...