I agree with everything @Vincarsi says here and being mindful of "set and setting". This has long been part of good usage advice for entheogens (my preferred term for "psychedelics"). Indeed, it's good advice for mind-alteration experiments of any kind (meditation retreats etc).
#entheogens #psychedelics #tripping
> I heard stories about how traumatic a bad trip can be
... it's my strong belief that "bad trips" are mainly caused by people trying to get off the rollercoaster in the middle of the ride, and being freaked out that they can't. The one piece of advice I'd give anyone taking entheogens, is to do it only when you're sure you ready to *surrender* to the experience, and roll with the coaster.
@TheAutisticTooter@autistics.life @jpaskaruk@mastodon.social @actuallyautistic
I've taken many different entheogens, dozens of times over about 25 years, and in many different settings. I've never had what I'd call a "bad trip". That's not to say it's all been rainbows and unicorns. It hasn't. I've definitely had challenging experiences, sometimes even profoundly uncomfortable ones. But I've always found that if I relax into them, they soon transform, and I believe *that* is where the healing happens.
@Vincarsi @TheAutisticTooter@autistics.life @jpaskaruk@mastodon.social @actuallyautistic