People are being poisoned at unprecedented levels by a drug that's sold over the counter. Surely this harmful drug should be illegal, and people imprisoned if they are in possession of if, even for personal use. Some irresponsible parents even store it so unsafely that their kids get hold of it.
Won't somebody think of the children?
@strypey You can hardly ban Paracetamol. But you can control the amounts given to children. And sometimes syrups have contaminants- so I do not really suggest syrups as a solution
@strypey For older adults care is needed. But it may be difficult to restrict the number around for those trying to poison themselves. Even if you make it prescription only and use child safe containers. Any adult who wants can keep getting prescriptions and build up a stock
I think you missed the </sarcasm> tag ; )
There's probably some culturally-specific subtext to that post that won't be obvious to everyone. It's indirectly criticizing the prohibition of recreational drugs like cannabis. Paracetamol can kill you, but it's sold over the counter in potentially toxic quantities, with no limit of how much you can buy. Cannabis is much less dangerous, but the only legal way to buy it in Aotearoa is as a highly restricted prescription medicine (and before 2020, not even that was available).
@strypey certainly missed that. You are correct imho. Of course ganja is rather easy to find here. And only recently read a news item that said it was agreed in one state that it could be used in the incense at temples but not handed out to devotees