"The fact that Congress hasn't updated [US]Americans' privacy protection since Die Hard was in theatres is not a coincidence, or an oversight. It is expensively purchased inaction, from a heavily concentrated - and thus wildly profitable - privacy invasion industry, that has monetised the abuse of human rights at unimaginable scale."
#CoryDoctorow, 2025
"Make it legal for Canadian mechanics to jailbreak your Tesla, and unlock every subscription feature - like the autopilot or the full use of your battery ...
Your performative appalledness does not cost Elon Musk a dime, he loves the attention! But if you strike at the rent-extracting, insanely high-margin, aftermarket subscriptions that he relies on for thar swasti-car business? You're going to kick that guy right in the dongle."
#CoryDoctorow, 2025