"The Labour Party do not believe we can solve the issue of drugs through criminal sanction against the user. The issue of decriminalisation of the person should and must be at the forefront of our approach. Addiction needs to be treated as a health issue, not a legal one."
#AodhánÓRíordáin, Justice Spokesperson, Irish Labour party
"Following the adoption of a motion at our Party Conference in 2017, the Labour Party supports the principle of legislation for the legalisation of cannabis for recreational and medicinal use in Ireland."
#AodhánÓRíordáin, Justice Spokesperson, Irish Labour party
Hey Ireland, swap you? You can have cheery old Chippy and the gang, and we'll have your Labour party. Please make sure you send that impressive backbone along with them though. NZ Labour seems to have left it's spine in its other coat...
@strypey Excellent proposal. The sellers and profiteers who make money out of the user and the poor poppy or marijuana cultivator should be prosecuted imho.They are pathologically greedy
> The sellers and profiteers who make money out of the user
Cause significantly less harm when selling cannabis than alcohol. Irish Labour recognise this indisputable fact, and wisely propose regulating and taxing the businesses that produce and sell cannabis, like we do with the businesses that produce and sell alcohol. See: