Great news for ADHDers in Aotearoa;
"Pharmac is now funding a new medicine and has removed renewal criteria for ADHD treatments."
Until recently, people taking ADHD medication have had to pay hundreds or thousands of dollars every 2 years for a medication review. Pharmac is now trusting GPs to do this for their patients, saving hundreds of hours of psychiatrists' time every year.
The next step is to trust GPs to diagnose ADHD in their patients, and prescribe them the appropriate medication to see if it helps them. Without having to refer them to a psychiatrist.
This would massively reduce the cost and hassle to patients of getting formal permission to trial potentially life-changing medication. Not to mention saving hundreds more hours of psychiatrists' professional time. Which they can then spend addressing other aspects of the mental health crisis in Aotearoa.
> Until recently, people taking ADHD medication have had to pay hundreds or thousands of dollars every 2 years for a medication review
... unless they could get an appointment in the public system, of course. But they're as rare as hen's teeth. Even with a teenage diagnosis and the full support of my GP, the public psychiatric clinic wouldn't accept a referral for a diagnostic appointment.