"... people who cannot meet their most basic needs; that is where you want to see the growth of their incomes, and the growth of public services that serve them, right? ... That's where - if anywhere in the world - we want to see 'economic growth' ... and it's got to be distributive, so it's actually shared, and it's got to be regenerative, so it doesn't destroy the planet as it happens."
#KateRaworth, 2023
"Many politicians would say 'I know what I need to do, I just don't know how to get re-elected when I've done it', and that's why I think you're seeing some of the most progressive places say,
'Let's hold a citizen's assembly... Let's bring together together a randomly selected group of around 100 citizens/ residents of our place. Let's introduce them to experts who can introduce them to the scale of this topic, and see what they come up with.'
#KateRaworth, 2023
"Time and again, what's coming out of these citizen's assemblies is that the people, who are not trying to re-elected, because they are citizens thinking of the long view, they come up with far more long-termist, progressive, and ambitious policies, than... politicians feel they're able to..."
Kate Raworth, 2023
In their post-interview discussion, The Rest is Politics hosts agree with Kate Rowarth about the problems, and they're clearly trying to understand the message of Doughnut Economics. But they can't see past the false dichotomy of #growth vs. recession. The main political problems identified as "recession" are not caused by lack of growth. Food shortages are caused by lack of growth. But it doesn't cause unaffordable food prices, when there's more than enough food to go around.