Something useful to keep in mind, people: the only thing a major public corporation, like the 'Frightful Five' of #BigTech, has to do to fail... is to stop growing. That inflection point is tantamount to death as far as its shareholders are concerned, and that's all that matters. Let's be the millions of cuts that take the wind out of those ethically bankrupt juggernauts' sails. I think we'll be surprised how fast they fall when they finally do.
And this 'Recall' move by Microsoft (among the many dodgy moves & massive hyping of 'AI' by #BigTech in the recent past) shows they *know* they're nearing the end of their growth curves. They're trying on things they know risk really (terminally) pissing off their captive audience... and yet they're doing it anyway. It suggests they're more desperate than we thought to find new frontiers to ruthlessly exploit.