Disappointing. The latest EFF newsletter has as a lead article: https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2023/11/address-online-harms-we-must-first-do-privacy and then, in the same post, it entreats people to take a 'community survey' which requires community members to use a Microsoft form. Oh the painful, grating irony. EFF, I, for one, suggest you review your institutional principles, especially given the ease with which you could use an uncompromised platform for running a survey. I know I won't trust Microsoft with my data. Suspect I'm far from alone. @eff
@eff we hear a lot about the 'enshittification' of software services, especially social media... Well, it seems to be happening increasingly to *formerly* principle-led institutions which 'corporatise', experience a frenzy of growth, & let people who don't "get" their principles at all to run things: admirable principles diluted the point of irrelevance. Please don't let it happen to you, EFF. The world needs a *principle-led* organisation with your stated mission & relevant internal skills.